Chemistry News

August 9th

Count of Quaregna Amedeo Avogadro was born on this day in 1776. Italian chemist and physicist who found that at the same temperature and pressure equal volumes of all perfect gases contain the same number of particles, known as Avogadro’s Law (1811) leading to the Avogadro’s constant being 6.022 x 1023units per mole of a substance. He realized the particules could be either atoms, or more often, combinations of atoms, for which he coined the word “molecule.” This explained Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes (1809). Further, Avogadro determined from the electrolysis of water that it contained molecules formed from two hydrogen atoms for each atom of oxygen, by which the individual oxygen atom was 16 times heavier than one hydrogen atom (not 8 times as suggested earlier by John Dalton.)

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