Paul Walden was born on this day in 1863. Latvian chemist who, while teaching at Riga, discovered the Walden inversion, a reversal of stereochemical configuration that...
Russian chemist Sergey Vasilyevich Lebedev was born on this day in 1874. He developed a method for industrial production of synthetic rubber. In 1910, while researching processes...
Dichloromethane (DCM) is a fantastically useful solvent. It can dissolve a huge variety of compounds;whisk them through chromatography columns; and then Rotovap away in a...
Two research groups have independently developed catalysts that turn CO2 and hydrogen into gasoline. The conversion of carbon dioxide to long-chain hydrocarbons is potentially crucial to...
Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney was born on this day in 1843. English astronomer and chemist who investigated colour photography and colour vision. He pioneered...